Turnbull Focus on Productivity Ignores Real Problems For Workers

Statement https://www.acheterviagrafr24.com/viagra-definition/ from ACTU President Ged Kearney

“Labour productivity in Australia is far outstripping wage growth.  The drag on productivity is from companies refusing to invest in new ideas, new equipment and new skills.  The ABS is already collecting this information and regularly releasing it.” 

“Malcolm Turnbull ignoring the existing impartial data on productivity in order to spruik his preferred mechanism for attacking people's work place rights - a productivity commission inquiry - we https://www.acheterviagrafr24.com/achat-viagra-en-ligne-belgique/ remain to be convinced that working people will see any benefit”

“Focussing on productivity ignores the reality that Australian workers are working hard for less pay while their conditions and job security is eroded.”