Equity & Family Issues

We recognise that one of the major challenges of all workers is balancing work and family and this is particularly so in the retail industry, where women make up 65% of the SDA's membership.

The union also recognises the special needs of women and employs a permanent Equity Officer.  At the SDA, the equality and dignity of all women is paramount and non-negotiable.

Our female membership base encapsulates a broad spectrum of working women, from women who are compelled to work due to economic necessity through to women who have made an independent decision to pursue their vocation in the retail sector.

For many years the SDA has provided specialist backup and support to deal with problems commonly experienced by working women.  Key areas where the SDA can provide this assistance are:

  • Concerns about equal opportunity, sexual harassment, parental and maternity leave, aged care, and discrimination against pregnant women;
  • Rights in regard to family leave, maternity leave, rostering around family responsibilities and other entitlements;
  • Help, advice and support if you have been a victim of crime.

In addition the SDA continues to work hard to ensure that we gain clauses in our enterprise agreements that require employers to have proper regard for the family responsibilities of their employees.

Contact the SDA for Assistance